HASTE THE DAY posten Lyrics zu "Dog Like Vultures"

Letzte Woche haben HASTE THE DAY aus Indiana mit "Dog Like Vultures" den 2. neuen Song ihres Ende Juni erscheinenden neuen Albums Attack Of The Wolf King auf ihrer MySpace Seite gepostet. Die dazugehörigen Lyrics findet Ihr nachfolgend:


Who will protect you
from these dog like vultures?
And I know they're small
but their bite is sharp.

We've been sent with
eyes to see them
and ears to hear their steps.
Our hearts that are softer than the sheep.

We've been known to calm the storm
and silence the ocean
with the strength to spare you from their teeth.

Our eyes are upon you
and we will protect you
and be assured that
no fang will breech
your fleece

Because we are called to lead
and sent to gather.
So, bare your teeth
and sharpen your claws.

We've been sent with
eyes to see them
and ears to hear their steps.
Our hearts that are softer than the sheep

We've been known to calm the storm
and silence the ocean.
With strength to spare you from their teeth.

From their teeth.
And their blood will spill like water
in a fountain for thieves
and liars.
So bare your teeth
and sharpen your claws.
Because we hold the keys

And we've been sent with
eyes to see them
and ears to hear their steps
and hearts that are softer than the sheep.

We've been known to calm the storm
and silence the ocean.
With strength to spare you from their teeth.
From their teeth.

Sänger STEPHEN KEECH über den Song: "Dog Like Vultures" is crucial part of this record. It shows all elements of the record and sums up the new sound of HASTE THE DAY. The record is a concept album about a herd of sheep being protected by lions from a pack of bloodthirsty wolves. This song is where the Lions vow unyielding protection over the sheep. Promising that 'no fang will breach your fleece' and 'their blood with flow like water.' It has one of my favorite chorus' on the record and we are proud to release it."