UK-Doomster WARNING sind Geschichte

...was mal sehr schade ist. Patrik Walker, einziges Gründungsmitglied erklärt dazu Folgendes:

“The decision to discontinue Warning has been both a pain and a purgation to me. For the past two years or so, Warning has been a considerably important part of my life, what with travelling and playing shows, writing new music and a gradual but increasing interest in the band, largely helped by Cyclone Empire’s rereleasing of both records and making them for the first time easily obtainable to people.

However, I started the band in 1994. I was a different person when I began playing with Warning; I had different musical objectives; different ideals; different influences and inspirations. Now in order to make music that retains some semblance of integrity and wholeness I realise I need to move on. This shouldn’t be thought of as “the end” of something; I have, after all, been the sole remaining original member of the band in its most recent line-up for almost a year now; in this respect Warning is little more than a band name. So before I complete work on what will be the material for the next album, I need a new band; a new context within which to work.

I hope people continue their interest in my music, and all further information concerning it will be officially made known through Cyclone Empire with whom I am very happy to say I will continue to work as originally proposed, so please look no further than these pages for more news.

Many thanks,

Patrick Walker.

22nd January 2009”