RIVERSIDE: Aufnahmen beendet

Die polnische Prog-Band RIVERSIDE meldet den Mixing-Abschluss ihres anstehenden Albums "Anno Domini High Definition".

Die Band zum neuen Material: "We put more emphasis on playing rock - we are a rock band after all. Do you remember the energy on some old rock records, the energy that in one moment just evaporated? Well, we wanted to refer to that somehow." Und weiter: "Lyrics-wise it is not one story, as it was in the case of the trilogy (Anm. d. Red.: gemeint ist die "Reality Dream"-Trilogie), told from the beginning to the end, but you may as well say it is. [...] It will be an album about chaos, constant race, uncertainty, stress, and... the attempt to survive."

Die Veröffentlichung dieses vierten Longplayers der Band ist für den kommenden Sommer geplant.